
Type Design &
Brand Identity

Personal project

Awards: ADC New York / Young Ones Award 2019 / Merit

Art director: Gydient & Nhi Bui 
Copywriter: Adarsh & Toan

 Agent Orange 

Over 150,000 kids struggle to lead a normal life due to biological deformities caused by Agent Orange - the deadly herbicid used by the US during the Vietnam War.

The voice of a deformed legacy. Monotype gives these victims a voic of hope with the Agent Orang typeface. Use of this typeface raises awareness about their plight and generates donations.

To create the Agent Orange typeface, we analyzed the anatomy of Amarillo USAF, the font on the American AirForce planes that sprayed Agent Orange on Vietnam, and distorted the proportion of it.

Free trial  Agent Orange Typeface here
Use on social media for personal projects and in projects fighting racial injustice is permitted with credit:
Agent Orange Typeface
Designed by Gydient & Nhi Bui

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