
Brand Identity

Year: 2020
Client: Gatheround
Agency: Studio Duy 
Design & Creative direction: Duy Dao
Brand Design: Gydient, Duy Dao
Motion: Hieu Vu
Type Design: Gydient, Lam Bao


Meeting people virtually is hard. But Gatheround is trying to make it easier - and fun.

In 2020, Gydient had worked with the talented art director Duy Dao to redesign the visual identity for Gatheround, which included the creation of a bespoke typeface.

To prepare for the re-launch of Icebreaker as Gatheround, the new visual system contributes a good branding to achieve Gatheround’s new mission to help the people connect virtually in a new way.

The showcase is coming soon...

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